What counts as CPD?
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Categories

CPD points are system allocated for APSO events/activities. The table below outlines what self-allocated activities are allowed and what points MAY be added.

You control the recording of your CPD and you should utilise the CPD section in the member only platform for this purpose.

There are five (5) primary categories of CPD. These have been scoped broadly to allow individuals the opportunity to access CPD from a range of activities to ensure accessibility, affordability and relevance.

The table below provides a broad overview of the categories and likely activities that would be clustered under each category. This is however not an exhaustive list and individuals would be able to motivate for additional activities as part of their CPD if they can show relevance to their work.

CPD Category
Activity Type
Professional Development
Any activity that contributes to the development of the individual in relation to industry/specialist sector
  • Conferences
  • Member forums / breakfasts
  • Webinar
Education & Training
All APSO workshops or accredited education/training gained through qualifications, short course, certifications and seminars relevant to the industry etc.
  • Training workshops
  • Seminars
  • Formal qualifications
Mentoring & Coaching
Any activity where you are responsible for guidance & transfer of relevant knowledge and skills.
  • Informal/Internal
  • e.g. train/ mentor/ coach
  • Formal presentation/ train
  • e.g. Job readiness
Reading & Publishing
Reading of articles in magazines, accredited journals, books and credible websites. It also includes publishing of articles in these same forums.
  • APSOgram
  • Relevant websites
  • Industry journals
Service to the Industry
Any activity that contributes to the ongoing professionalisation of the staffing industry.
  • Committee/task team participation
  • Official representation on relevant external body

A total of 30 CPD points needs to be accumulated over a one year period in order to maintain one’s designation

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