CPD Points
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Points

The minimum number of 30 CPD points is to be accumulated by an individual in a 12-month period.

Any combination of CPD activity category (see above table) would be acceptable. 

Individuals would be responsible for monitoring their own CPD and would work on a trust basis. 

All individuals would be required to make a submission (ideally online) on the anniversary of their membership before membership renewal can be considered. 

To monitor compliance a random sample of submissions (at least 5%) would be audited annually. 

This would mean a random compliance check into the CPD submissions to view the evidence submitted against the CPD categories mentioned above. 

Further audits may be taken in the event of complaints or other “red flags”, such as notification of non-attendance at a pre-booked event, against individuals. 

In the event of non-compliance the professional is provided with 30 days to accumulate the shortfall of no more than 5 CPD points outstanding before any further action is taken. 

If an individual’s CPD points are between 15 to 24 points the professional would need to adhere to a waiting period of 6 months before re-applying, less than 15 points would be a waiting period of 12 months before re-applying. 

In exceptional circumstances (ie. maternity leave/illness/injury/criminal record/retrenchment, loss of employment) the professional is to notify in writing the APSO Training and Professional Department immediately after the event has occurred with the relevant proof thereof. A motivation is also required as to why the professional would need a reduction in CPD points. 

Non-compliance will result in disciplinary action including possible revoking of designation. 

Individuals will be required to maintain their own records (online ideally or with provided electronic templates) and make a submission annually ahead of their membership renewal. 

Evidence documentation must be stored by the individual and only provided to APSO on request. Records must be kept for at least three (3) years. 

CPD points may be allocated either by participating in APSO events and activities or by attending non APSO events or activities. 

All APSO events will be allocated CPD points 

Non APSO training, webinars, meetings and networking sessions are acceptable if they are industry related.

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