
 Training Course






   Open  Social & Digital Media Readiness Training  10 x 1-Hour Modules
 (2 Months to Complete)
 Online  Farosian  Farosian  All
 6 March  Advanced Sourcing: Discover Hidden Talent Online  Half Day  Online  Vanessa Raath  Vanessa Raath  All
 10 March  Essential Interview Skills For The Age AI Workshop  Full Day  Online  Jane Moors  Jane Moors   All
 12 - 13 March  Advanced Recruiter Workshop  Two Days  Online  Jane Moors  Outerbox Thinking  All
 18 March  Recruitment Process Outsourcing  Half Day  Online  Roly Boardman  APSO  All
 9 April  APSO Conference: Critical Conversations Full Day  In Person  APSO  APSO  All
 8 May  Recruitment Essentials   Two Days   Online  Roly Boardman  APSO  All
 14 May  Business Development for the Future of Work  Full Day  Online  Jane Moors  APSO  All
 21 May  Advanced Sourcing: Finding Elusive Tech Talent  Half Day  Online  Vanessa Raath  Vanessa Raath  All
 10 June  Advanced Sourcing: Overcoming the Silence of Passive Talent  Half Day  Online  Vanessa Raath  Vanessa Raath  All
 12 June   POPI for Permanent Recruiters  Half Day  Online  Roly Boardman  APSO  All
 18 June  Social Media Marketing for Recruiters   Full Day   Online  Jane Moors & Elzette Fourie  Jane & Elzette  All

APSO reserves the right to change/cancel training should this be necessary.

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