SAIPA is aspirational, approachable, relatable and proud.
SAIPA is excited to be APSO's premier business partner in developing future-ready accredited professionals who ethically create client value.

The third and final set of findings from our project "The Work We Want" is now available! "The Work Life We Want" looks into the reality of managing the new flexible workforce, as well as the reforms needed to protect businesses and workers in the new world of work.


According to our global survey of more than 700 business leaders from private and public organisations, flexibility has become a non-negotiable in the world of work:

  • 83% of senior executives say that following the pandemic, employees place as much value on flexibility around where and when they work as they do on compensation
  • 82% consider that the idea of a person following one career path in their lifetime has gone for good
  • 83% believe that there is a need to build awareness of the diverse types of labour contracts available to workers today, and to enable individuals to choose what suits them best.

The end game is to shape sustainable new models of work, delivering a win-win situation for workers, companies and society as a whole. Only 38% of business leaders feel fully empowered to get the optimal mix between diverse forms of work and 37% to recruit agency workers at the scale they would like.



In its first chapter, “The Work We Want” project examined how tech disruption has been a rollercoaster for businesses in recent years and particularly how Artificial Intelligence is completely changing how companies think about their talent needs and strategies. In the second part, the research focused on the talent gap and analysed why traditional recruitment strategies are no longer fit for purpose and which new workforce management solutions are emerging.


Even though this is the last chapter of the research, it is far from the final stage in this project! We will keep on banging the drum of #TheWorkWeWant in the coming months so stay engaged and stay tuned!

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