Flexibility has become a non-negotiable in the world of work and this unstoppable trend is now forcing policymakers to rethink the regulatory frameworks. “The Work Life We Want”, the final chapter of the “The Work We Want” global research conducted by the World Employment Confederation with the support of FT Longitude, looks into the reality of managing the new flexible workforce, as well as the reforms needed to protect businesses and workers in the new world of work.

Where do we want to work, and when?

In WEC's global survey, most senior executives say that, following the Covid-19 pandemic, employees place as much value on flexibility around where and when they work as on things like pay and benefits. Employers should think carefully about asking people to return to the office — particularly when workers might feel like pay is falling behind the cost of living.

Many talented individuals take time away from the workforce to raise children. But re-entering the job market after a career gap can be daunting. This is particularly true for mothers who often face a lack of confidence and limited options for flexible work.

One such story, recently shared by a mother returning to work after five years as a full-time parent, resonated deeply. She highlighted the challenges of feeling undervalued and the struggle to find jobs that fit her family's needs.

A Mother's Story: Reclaiming Identity and Building a Community

This is her story: After raising her children, she felt hesitant to even include "Full-Time Parent" on her LinkedIn profile, fearing it would be ignored or dismissed. This initial discouragement is a familiar experience for many mothers returning to work.

However, this story takes a powerful turn. Instead of accepting the status quo, she decided to reclaim her identity and build a community. She proudly added "Full-Time Parent" to her profile, alongside her new business venture, "The Five Hour Club" – a community dedicated to supporting women returning to work after children.

A Recruiter's Perspective: Recognizing Skills and Advocating for Change

As a Recruitment Professional, I find this story particularly valuable because it shines a light on two crucial aspects of the modern workforce:

  • The Untapped Potential of Parents: Raising children equips individuals with a wealth of transferable skills highly sought after by employers. These include organization, time management, problem-solving, communication, and patience – all essential for success in many roles.
  • The Need for Flexibility: Many companies miss out on talented individuals because they don't recognize the value of parental experience or offer flexible work arrangements.

This story is even more inspiring because it goes a step further. By creating "The Five Hour Club," a support system for women returning to work after children, this individual is not only advocating for herself but for countless others.

Actionable Tips for Returning Mothers

So, how can mothers returning to the workforce use this story and this perspective to their advantage? Here are some actionable tips:

  • Translate Your Experience: Don't underestimate the value of your parenting experience! When crafting your resume, translate those skills – organization, time management, problem-solving – into clear, concise examples that showcase how they would benefit a potential employer.
  • Target the Right Companies: Research companies known for offering flexible work arrangements. This might include remote work options, compressed workweeks, or job-sharing opportunities.
  • Leverage Your Network: Connect with members of The Five Hour Club. They might have leads on flexible opportunities or even collaborate with you to build a talent pool specifically for skilled professionals seeking flexible work.

The Future of Work: Embracing Diversity and Flexibility

The job market is evolving, and companies are recognizing the benefits of a diverse workforce that includes experienced parents. By owning your experience and emphasizing the valuable skills you bring to the table, you'll be well-positioned to land the perfect role that fits your needs and talents.

Remember, there is a wealth of support available. Recruitment Professionals are here to help! And, initiatives like The Five Hour Club are paving the way for a more inclusive work environment for all parents.

Join the Conversation!

Share with us about your initiatives in creating the Work We Want. 

This mother's story and the perspective of the Work We Want initiative offer valuable insights into the current workforce challenges and conditions. Let's work together to create a future of work that embraces both talent and family.

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Amy Grilli story Originally posted on LinkedIn


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