SAIPA is aspirational, approachable, relatable and proud.
SAIPA is excited to be APSO's premier business partner in developing future-ready accredited professionals who ethically create client value.

Setting clear priorities and keeping your manager informed throughout the week is key to staying on track and making progress towards your goals. And wrapping up the week with a summary of your accomplishments is a great way to showcase your value and leadership vision. It is an effective way to improve workplace communication and productivity.

... clients have achieved tremendous results by sending a check-in message to their managers on Mondays, which outlines their priorities for the week, and a check-out message on Fridays, summarizing the significant milestones they have achieved.

Here's how to do it:

Step 1: Start Your Week Right with Monday Check-Ins

Sending a crisp Monday check-in message to your manager can help you set priorities for the week and establish clear communication with your manager. In your message, define your priorities (which includes your team's too) for the week (in line with longer term goals).

Step 2: Keep Your Manager Informed with High-Quality Information Throughout the Week

Throughout the week, make sure to communicate high-quality information : providing timely, crisp and to the point updates on progress, outlining key steps you're taking to proactively address issues, and any changes to priorities. By providing enough context, your manager will have a better understanding of your work and can provide you with relevant support.

Step 3: Wrap Up the Week with Friday Check-Outs

At the end of the week, send a Friday check-out message to your manager summarizing your key milestones and accomplishments. Show your vision on how these relate to the longer term strategies. This is a great opportunity to show your leadership vision, showcase your value and how well you're leading the team and the business strategies.

To become a top 1% leader, you must do things 99% won't do. You have to stand out.

You can do that by building a strong personal brand online.

I want you to visualize this -
- You get acknowledged for your work
- You create the impact you intend to create
- You get the role, recognition, and pay you deserve
- You establish a strong network of sought-after leaders
That instantly makes you special.

This puts you in a different league altogether.


Original Source > Meera Remani
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