Frequently Asked Questions – uFiling (Online Filing for UIF)

We are constantly striving to keep the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) up to date as we continue to enhance the uFiling service. If you require any information not found here, please don't hesitate to contact our Call Centre who will be more than happy to assist you.


What are the benefits of uFiling?

uFiling is a FREE service offered by the UIF. UIF returns can be done simply and conveniently on-line. Other benefits include ease of secure payments (Debit Order and Credit Push via Internet Banking) and faster processing times. uFiling is paperless and submission of declaration are instant and reliable.

Can I use uFiling for any other Tax return types?

No, uFiling is specific to UIF declarations and contributions.

How do I “Activate my uFiling account”?

Visit the following web address or From this home page, click on the “Activate my uFiling account” button and follow the on-screen instructions.

Please ensure that you have available the following information;

For Domestic Employers:

Your valid UIF registration number, your valid 13 Digit bar-coded RSA identity number or passport number, a valid e-mail address and your banking account details from which you will pay your UIF contributions.

For Commercial Employers:

Your valid UIF registration number, your valid RSA identity number or passport number, a valid e-mail address, Your company’s official registration name and details as provided by the Registrar of Companies which is the CK1 form for CC’s and CM1 or CM3 for Proprietary Limited companies, and lastly your banking account details from which you will pay your UIF contributions.

For Agents:

Valid UIF registration numbers for Domestic or Employers as above, your valid 13 Digit bar-coded RSA identity number or passport number, a valid e-mail address, Your company’s official registration name and details as provided by the Registrar of Companies which is the CK1 form for CC’s and CM1 or CM3 for Proprietary Limited companies, and lastly your banking account details from which you will pay your UIF contributions.

What is the cost for the uFiling Service?

uFiling is a free service, please note that your bank will still charge you their agreed fee for transactions should you make use of the payment options to settle your UIF liability.

How do I sign an electronic return?

uFiling submissions are embedded with an electronic signature. A submitted return on uFiling is legally equivalent to a signed physical return. You therefore do not need to have a signature on an electronicreturn submitted via uFiling.

Can I only submit my current returns on uFiling? What about prior returns that have not been submitted?

All of your outstanding returns can be submitted via uFiling for the past four years. The Act requires an Employer to submit monthly returns, you may have to do multiple return submissions and payments.

Can I access historical data with respect to my returns and payments?

Yes. uFiling keeps a minimum of five years history of both returns and payments. These only apply to those returns and payments made via uFiling. So if you’re a new user your previous history will not reflect on uFiling.

Can I recall a return if submitted in error?

The return remains active until it has been paid. Under the returns history section you can change your return as many times as required until paid. If a payment was effected, the return cannot be reversed due to transaction processes with the bank. You can submit an alteration in the following month’s declaration period to affect a change on a previous declaration period.


Who will see my return?

To prevent unauthorised access to any data, all transmissions received and transmitted by this service are encrypted. Your bank provides the encryption for electronic payments processed by them. The information is held in a secure format on our host system and will only be made available for access by you and the uFiling Call Centre for support purposes. See our Privacy Statement for further details.

What measures are in place to ensure the confidentiality of information on uFiling?

We go to great lengths to protect the confidentiality of UIF contributor information. All transmissions we receive are encrypted. Before we accept a return for processing, it has to meet strict identification standards and specifications. If it does not, we do not accept the form. See our Privacy Statement for further details.

If the UIF uFiling Call Centre staff has access to my information, what is to prevent them from disclosing my information?

All UIF uFiling staff sign a Confidentiality Agreement and this document is kept with UIF. Our staff are also covered by strict legislation in the ICT Act which makes it an offence to disclose any taxpayer information to an unauthorised person.


Can I pay UIF from multiple bank accounts?

No, you cannot pay a single UIF contribution from different bank accounts. You may set up different bank accounts in uFiling and when paying you can then select a bank account for that contribution.

How do I load my Internet Banking account on uFiling?

Once you have received confirmation that your uFiling account is activated, you can load your banking details under the menu “Employer” and “Bank Account Details”.

Are future-dated transactions accepted by any Banking facility?

Future-dated transactions are allowed for activated uFilers for all the major banks. It must be noted however, that ABSA Direct does not allow future dated transactions, and Standard Bank Business Online (CATS) require transactions on the day that the transaction is created.

Can I pay outstanding penalties and interest on uFiling?

No, uFiling does not allow for the payment of penalties and Interest. Please contact the UIF directly to obtain the correct amounts for penalties and Interest. The UIF will then provide you with the correct reference numbers and account number to use when paying penalties and Interest.

Do I have to be activated on uFiling to submit payments?

Yes, you must be activated on uFiling to submit your UIF declarations and contribution payments.

Can an activated uFiler make a payment for another UIF contributor?

No, however activating as an Agent will allow a user to administer other Domestic Employers and Commercial Employers. This includes the ability to receive monthly issued declarations, to submit declarations and pay contributions on behalf of these Employers

Can I underpay on the initial payment?

No, the system calculates the UIF payable based on the salaries entered for the employee(s).

How does the UIF ensure the reconciliation of manual payments with UIF returns submitted online?

When submitting a UIF declaration on-line, the relevant reference information is recorded and a debit is recorded on the relevant UIF contributor’s account. When a manual payment is made by the payer, the payer must ensure that the reference number for the declaration period is correctly provided. The reference number to be provided when the contribution is paid must be as follows (UIF Reference Number and the contribution period year and month - YYMM) Typical example: (9999999 0906). The UIF on receipt of their statements from the banks will identify the reference number provided and then reconcile that reference number to the on-line declaration that was made by the uFiler. The UIF system will generate a credit to the same UIF contributor’s account based on the reference provided, cancelling out the initial debit details

Can I use my credit card to make payments to the UIF?

No, UIF will only accept payments via debit order or via Internet banking credit push.

Tax Agents

I am a tax agent. What facilities are available to me?

You can activate your client for uFiling or, if they have already registered, access your client's account and conduct all of the regular uFiling functions on your client's behalf (as per your own agreements and privacy policies with your client.) You can also add your clients (Commercial Employers and Domestic Employers) to your Agent profile and conduct all the relevant uFiling functions on your client’s behalf.

How do I add my clients?

Once you have activated your Agent account and been authenticated as an Agent with uFiling, you can register your clients as uFilers. The request for activation is processed immediately once the UIF reference number has been correctly entered and once the accuracy of information submitted is confirmed, you will be notified via email. uFiling will then be activated for your client.

Will the information held for my clients be secure?

The uFiling site deploys the very latest data encryption technologies available. uFiling will take all reasonable precautions to keep the personal information disclosed by you secure, if and when such information needs to be passed on to the UIF or any of the banking institutions. Inspections are carried out on a regular basis to monitor the occurrence of security breaches, and the relevant corrective measures are deployed if required. UIF is however not accountable for any breach of security by Agents or any third parties; nor is UIF responsible for the privacy policies of Agents and/or third parties or how information is treated within these third parties.

Will information held for my clients be accessible to anyone else?

You, as your client's Tax Agent, may choose to give your client access to their account information. For support purposes, uFiling consultants will have access to your client's personal information. It is your responsibility to ensure your clients are well aware of these details. Please refer to the uFiling Privacy Policy for more information.

How will my clients pay their contributions to UIF?

Your clients may pay their UIF contributions via the payment mechanisms provided by uFiling for the payment of UIF contributions. The uFiling system automatically generates correct references for the UIF contributions when the payment is processed. uFiling provides payment facilities for Debit Order payments as well as Internet Banking Credit Push payments.

Can I set up my own security on uFiling?

Yes. As a Tax Agent you can give specific access to your clients using the “User” – “Amend Rights” menu option. You may also set up additional users within your agency and allocate access levels to those users.

Will I be able to see consolidated information about my clients?

No. Various reconciliation and statistical reports are available for reporting on specific employers

Can my clients also access their own information?

You, as your client's Tax Agent, may choose to give your client access to their account information for support purposes. uFiling consultants will have access to your client’s personal information to assist with requested support. Please refer to the uFiling Privacy Policy for further information.

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