Dear Member 

As the preparations for the impact of COVID-19 increase and the push for initiatives such as #FlattenTheCurve take traction, the ramifications and the impact of COVID-19 are being felt in the staffing sector.   

We have put together a list of documents (attached) that we have found useful during these challenging times:

In addition, the following websites provide updated, reliable information and the latest news: 

We also recommend the Department of Health’s official COVID-19 Support Service Whatsapp platform that can be accessed as follows:

Whatsapp “Hi” to +27600123456 for this service to be activated on your cellular device. You will receive a response with a list of related topics which you can access.

The Department of Health Emergency Hot-line number: 0800 029 999

Our industry is operating in very challenging and uncertain times. Many businesses are facing the reality of having to rethink their business models and processes. Some are seeing this as an opportunity to reflect, improve and prepare for future growth.  Many of our members have moved to remote working modules and have had to hone their skills in Tech Recruitment and familiarise themselves and their clients with interviews being conducted on virtual platforms.

While some are being negatively impacted, there are equally other businesses that have reported little impact, seen growth in certain sectors and are still meeting their revenue targets.

To assist members in managing the dynamics around Coronavirus, we have been able to secure a Webinar to be facilitated by Johnny Goldberg. The webinar is scheduled for Wednesday 25th March 2020 at 11:00 am. This webinar is offered at NO COST to members. Registration details will follow shortly.

Johnny will be covering a variety of important topics during the course of the webinar and will also allow an opportunity for Q & A.

These include:

  • Business continuity plans
  • Financial impact, time-off
  • Workflow changes and managing work arrangements
  • Resources and Links
  • Employee health status

We wish you health and strength during these challenging times and assure you of our continued support. 

Jacqui Ford

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